MultiService WAN Backbone Solutions

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  MultiService WAN Backbone Solutions

In the world of digital information, service providers are building the New Public Network - a next generation, multiservice network combining IP, Frame Relay and ATM technologies. Together these technologies provide improved performance, expanded service capability and increased revenue opportunities. Lucent Technologies Multiservice Core Switching Solution includes the technology, equipment and expertise that allow service providers and corporations to build comprehensive core networks, from residential or business access to backbone infrastructure.

Extend the value of your existing network with the proven, carrier-class performance, reliability and scalability needed to deliver Frame Relay, ATM and IP services over a single, unified multiservice backbone.

Lucent's Multiservice Core Switching Solutions meet your network performance and growth needs by offering a seamless migration from ATM to MPLS while supporting today's ATM, Frame Relay and emerging business-quality IP services. And they help minimize capital and operational expenses by reducing network complexity and simplifying network management.
Lucent Technologies Multiservice Core Switching Solution consists of the following products:
PacketStar PSAX Multiservice Switch and Media Gateways Family

The PacketStar® (PSAX) family is multiservice switch and media gateways that enable worldwide service providers and large enterprise customers to concentrate a variety of lower speed services on to a common broadband infrastructure. They deliver voice, video, and data applications by supporting services such as Frame Relay, circuit emulation, ATM and IP. These highly scalable platforms optimize your existing network infrastructure to help you generate revenues by delivering carrier-grade access for voice, video, and data applications through circuit emulation, frame relay, IP, and ATM services. The PacketStar family of products can also save you money by introducing a new market dynamic in networking called multi-networking, enabling you to reduce inventory, sparing and training costs across multiple wireless and wireline segments. It supports the wide range interface modules including DS1/E1, DS3/E3, OC-3c and STM-1, STM-4, 10/100 BaseT Ethernet, analog voice, or digital voice with voice processing capabilities (compression, echo cancellation, silence suppression and interworking).
CBX 500 Multiservice Switch

The CBX 500 Multiservice WAN Switch is a foundation for next-generation networks that service providers can use to scale, simplify, and consolidate converged public networks of today and tomorrow. Service providers can leverage this switch's intelligence, reliability, and multiservice port density into new revenue sources while streamlining their networks. Deployed at the network core or edge, this 5 Gbps switch delivers ATM, Frame Relay, and IP carrier-class networking. Together the quad-plane redundant switch fabric, the output-buffering scheme, and the hardware implementation of ATM service classes ensure end-to-end quality of service (QoS).
GX 550 & GX 550 ES Multiservice Switch

The GX 550 Multiservice WAN Switch combines core quality ATM switching and transport with native support for IP, MPLS, and Frame Relay over a wide range of SONET/SDH interfaces, as well as gigabit Ethernet. The GX 550 has revolutionized global core ATM networks with its scalability, capacity, availability, quad-plane architecture for simultaneously delivering dynamic mixes of different traffic types with ensured Quality of Service (QoS), and its comprehensive suite of NavisCore and NavisXtend network and service management tools. With its native IP, MPLS, and Frame Relay support, the GX 550 switch expands its mission to provide high port density, multiservice access switching and standards-based service aggregation to the core.

The GX 550™ ES is a scalable, cost-effective, high-port density extension shelf, which extends the service functionality of the GX 550 Core ATM Switch. The GX 550 ES provides high-capacity circuit emulation services (CES) and ATM services on the same physical interface, with a common network management system (NavisCore).
For more information, you can download :
  Product Brochure / Datasheet
  Technology White Paper


PacketStar, PSAX 1000 Multiservice Media Gateway

PacketStar, PSAX 1250 Multiservice Media Gateway

PacketStar, PSAX 2300 Multiservice Media Gateway

PacketStar, PSAX 4500 Multiservice Media Gateway

CBX 500 Multiservice Media Gateway

GX 550 Multiservice WAN Switch

Automatic Protection Switching on the CBX 500 and GX 550 Multiservice WAN Switchs

Frame Relay Congestion Control white paper
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Memotec Communications CX series Access Switch provides delivers an end-to-end multiservice solution for central site, regional and remote office for enterprise and carrier networks with multiprotocol and multiservice access to networks. The CX series offers single-platform consolidation of LAN, legacy and voice at an affordable price. It supports a broad range of services including voice and data as well as a wide range of protocols from user devices that include; legacy SNA/SDLC, Async, 3270 Bisync, HDLC and X.25, Frame Relay, Token Ring and Ethernet. Memotec's CX series is the ideal solution for today's convergence needs while providing performance and throughput to enterprise and carrier network extending newer applications.
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