Paradyne vision is to change
the speed at which the world
communicates. Paradyne is a
pioneer and leader in high-speed
network access solutions and
is recognized as a market leader
in Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
and Service Level Management
(SLM) products. Paradyne develops
carrier-class solutions that
offer the best combination of
speed, function, reach and scalability.
DSL Everywhere! Our market-leading
Hotwire DSL Systems consist
of next-generation DSLAMs, standards-based
DSL technology, innovative long-loop
reach technology, flexible CPE
modem choices, and industry
interoperable IADs -- all supported
through Paradyne's powerful
Network Management System, OpenLane.
Paradyne offers you the total
Problems with Most DSL Technologies
If you are an Internet Service
Provider (ISP) by now you have
probably realized that most
DSL technologies cannot provide
the reach and robustness necessary
to deliver nearly 100 percent
guaranteed service and coverage
to all of your customers. Most
of the problems that competing
DSL technologies encounter when
they are applied in the "real
world" are caused by physical
layer impairment issues overlooked
by the designers because of
their lack of understanding
of "real world" loop
conditions. For instance, most
technologies are tested on theoretical
channel capacity tests, either
via analysis or via loop simulator
equipment. However, this pristine
simulated environment is unlike
anything that these technologies
are exposed to for their intended
applications. Some common impairment
overlooked in competing DSL
systems that adversely affect
performance are
Broken shields in the wire
and Bridged taps
Temperature changes
The use of non-rated wiring
(or wiring below a Category
Impulse noise from DC motors
Attached POTS devices such
as filters and splitters and
telephony adjunct devices
(i.e., phone, fax)
On Hook and Off Hook transients
AM noise ingress
E1 lines
Crosstalk coupling within
the binder caused by other
DSL services which prevents
a DSL system from achieving
the expected data rates
Understanding the shortcomings
of competing DSL technologies,
and through extensive qualification
testing that better resembled
the "real-world" environment,
the designers of Paradyne's
ReachDSL were able to develop
a DSL technology impervious to
all of the common physical layer
problems to ensure nearly a 100
percent installation success rate.
Profitable DSL Technology
ReachDSL solutions already
provide the benefits to hundreds
of ILECs and PTTs. ReachDSL
2.2 with enhanced 2.2 Mbps
performance, is an innovative
symmetric/asymmetric DSL solution
that allows service providers
to extend broadband coverage to
their unserved subscribers by
overcoming typical DSL deployment
obstacles such as long or challenged
loops, interference, and in-premises
wiring problems. The result provides
service to 100 percent of the
subscriber base within 18,000
feet (5.5 km) without loop plant
modifications of any type, reducing
operational expenses and deployment
times. Paradyne's
ReachDSL enable service
providers to create more revenue
and better ROI.
ReachDSL key points of differentiation
Access solutions that work
where other DSL technologies
are challenged by economics
and/or impairments. Unparalleled
performance provides ubiquitous
coverage, reaching virtually
100 percent of all subscribers,
with technology that works
over any bridged tap or wiring
situation, and reduces truck
rolls to near zero.
MultiService Solution
A true multiservices solution,
supporting multiple types
of DSL as well as multiple
network service types within
a single DSLAM architecture.
This includes TDM, IP, Frame
Relay, and ATM.
End-to-end service level management
over T1, E1, or DSL for best-in-class
business grade services. Paradyne's
FrameSaver solutions offer
end-to-end visibility and
complete diagnostic control,
giving service providers and
enterprise customers reduced
installation time, complexity,
and expense.
Multiservice Core Switching
Solutions meet your network
performance and growth needs
by offering a seamless migration
from ATM to MPLS while supporting
today's ATM, Frame Relay
and emerging business-quality
IP services. And they help
minimize capital and operational
expenses by reducing network
complexity and simplifying
network management.